Posts filed under ‘nadia petrova’

Lena, Lena, let’s try not out-awesome-ing the other players on their faces, ok?

This is a self-acclaimed LET’S FANGIRL OVER LENA post. Proceed with caution (or don’t proceed at all) if you’re a hater*.


Lena trash talking (or Lena’s equivalent of “trash talking”) JJ, according to Doug’s Sports Blog:

Asked about Jankovic’s complaints the other day, the fourth-ranked player laughed: “I don’t know what to say. It looks like she’s playing every single week, more than anyone else. If she can play two tournaments in a week, she will do this.”

O snap, Lena.

The Golden Goddess wasn’t satisfied with the sarcastic mockery of Jankovic. She then decided to also show off her superior intellect. In the Hero video, “Players Favorite Books”, this becomes quite obvious. The question: “What’s your favourite book?”. Severine Bremond’s answer was Stephanie Meyer‘s Twilight. Lena’s reply was Tolstoi and Dostoievski books. Oh, Lena, stop it! Now we can tell you’re doing on purpose.

And Nadia‘s favourite books are War and Peace and Gone With The Wind. She must have a huge attention spam. I can hardly get through the Gone With The Wind movie in one sit — and it’s one of my favourite movies!

*To da left, to da left.

P.S.  Once again I apologize for not posting but I was a) sick and b) busy watching the FINA World Championships in Rome.

July 31, 2009 at 5:30 pm 9 comments

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